When including publications in your thesis there are three sections in the template, **1) Publications include, 2) Submitted manuscripts**, and **3) Other publications**. I found it hard to work out where to put a publication that was only up on a pre-print server. The following from Graduate School clarifies what can go where (specifically, it mentions in-prep and rejected manuscripts can go under the **"Submitted"** section) - ---- //We no longer call it a “thesis by publication”, however, we permit scholarly work to be included in this thesis. // //If your work has been published or accepted for publication you should include them under the heading **“Publications included in this thesis”** and outline the contributions by the authors as shown in the preliminary pages template.// //Work that is currently in prep, rejected or under review but part of your Thesis must be included under **“Submitted manuscripts included in the thesis”**// //Work during candidature not included in your Thesis must be acknowledged under **“Other publications during candidature”**//